
All Recipes, Beef, Entrees

For The Love Of Pan Con Bistec

Pan Con Bistec, is a hearty meal, full of carbs, proteins and vegetables. This was my go-to lunch when I was in elementary and middle school at Our Lady of the Lakes. They would serve them wrapped in aluminum foil and I would always buy them with a side of fries. Also, in college, as […]

All Recipes, Beef, Entrees

For The Love Of Carne Con Papa

Carne con papa, meat with potato stew, is another Cuban staple that pretty much all Cubans grow up eating. My abuela Vivian makes the best carne con papa out there and this is her recipe. My favorite part is getting the liquid from the stew and drenching rice in it and just eating it all up. It’s just so freaking delicious.  […]