With this whole whipped coffee craze, I wanted to come up with some ideas on how else to use this recipe because it was just so delicious! I went to the kitchen, made a mess as per usual, and I created coffee whipped cream, whipped coffee milkshake, and whipped coffee over ice cream and a brownie with some Baileys liquor on top.
First up is the coffee whipped cream. This dessert is light and airy and extremely easy to make if you want a quick fix to satisfy any sweet cravings. First, whip up two cups of heavy whipping creamy and then whip up your whipped coffee. Combine the two and BAM! You got yourself a delicious dessert. I decided to dip some lady fingers in it and it tasted SO GOOD! On a side note, growing up I was a bit of a fatty and used to eat an entire bag of the Gilda Lady Fingers. OMG SO GOOD!

Next, we have a whipped coffee milk shake. This milkshake tastes like coffee ice cream but is not as overpowering. It has a light hint of the coffee flavor to it which makes you crave even more! Top it off with some whip cream and a little bit of cocoa powder. * Chef’s Kiss* I hope you are not counting calories!

Finally, a brownie, topped with ice cream and whipped coffee and a drizzle of Baileys. God it is so good. The light drizzle of Baileys liquor on top gives you a nice warm feeling as you are eating it. I just recommend not eating it in front of anyone who wants to share, because you probably won’t want to!

Let me know what you think in the comments below!!

- Electric mixer
- 2 cups Heavy whipping cream
- 4 tlbs Cafe Bustelo instant coffee
- 4 tlbs Sugar
- 4 tlbs Hot water
- Lady Fingers
- Powder Sugar optional
- Pour the heavy whipping cream in a bowl and mix until it becomes stiff. Takes about 8 minutes. Start with the mixer on low and slowly increase the speed as it becomes like the consistency of whipped cream.
- In a separate bowl, combine the instant coffee, sugar, and hot water and mix until it becomes stiff. Takes about 3 minutes. Stop when soft peaks form.
- Combine the whipped coffee into the whipped cream and stir.
- Serve with lady fingers and top with powdered sugar.

- 4 scoops Vanilla ice cream
- 1/2 cup Milk
- 2 tlbs Cafe bustelo instant coffee
- 2 tlbs Sugar
- 2 tlbs Hot water
- Whipped cream optional
- Cocoa powder optional
- First, combine the instant coffee, sugar, and hot water and mix until it becomes stiff. Takes about 3 minutes. Stop when soft peaks form.
- In a blender, add the vanilla ice cream, milk and then add the whipped coffee. Turn the blender on to combine the ingredients. Serve with whipped cream with cocoa powder sprinkled on top.

- Brownie
- 1 scoop Vanilla ice cream
- 2 tlbs Cafe bustelo instant coffee
- 2 tlbs Sugar
- 2 tlbs Hot water
- Baileys liqour
- Cocoa powder optional
- First, combine the instant coffee, sugar, and hot water and mix until it becomes stiff. Takes about 3 minutes. Stop when soft peaks form.
- Serve your brownie (I suggest warming it up), then add a scoop of ice cream on top. Add a scoop of your whipped coffee over it. Next pour about a tablespoon of Baileys liquor and finally, sprinkle cocoa powder on top to dress it. Enjoy!
Okay, the whipped cream and milkshake were unreal!!! Obsessed